
We believe that three things are vital to an individual’s and community’s spiritual life: Worship, Teaching, and Relationships. GT seeks to offer everyone the opportunity to worship, to hear engaging and relevant messages and Bible stories, and spend time in small groups with their peers. From GT Kids Ministry to GT Student Ministries, our programs incorporate these three things in an age-appropriate setting for school-aged children and students.

3 TYPES OF SUPPORT | For GT Kids Ministry & GT Student Ministries

  1. Support “buddies” in each environment to provide extra help.
  2. One-on-one buddies for those who need individual attention.
  3. The Clubhouse: a calm, sensory friendly classroom designed for students who benefit from a smaller, less stimulating classroom due to the nature of their needs.


We ask parents to complete a Parent Questionnaire, which is kept confidential and reviewed by Inclusion Ministry staff. The questionnaire allows us to get to know your child better and helps us build relationships with them. The Inclusion Ministry Coordinator and coaches then observe the student and use this information to determine the best type of support for students.

The Buddy System

Our Inclusion “buddies” are trained volunteers who are assigned to a student to serve as classroom support. Buddies are continuously supported by Inclusion Ministry coaches and staff who have experience working with students with special needs.


For more information about Inclusion Ministry or to get info about support groups, parent workshops, and respite events, email