GT Student Ministries

GT Student Ministries provides engaging, relevant programming for students in grades 7-12.

ROAD TRIP WEEKEND: May 16-18, 2025

Road Trip is an annual retreat for GT students. It's a Small Group Weekend in which groups are grade and gender-based and travel together, stay in cabins together, play and compete together, and most importantly, worship together.

Registration is open from March 2-April 27.

More Info/Register Here

GTSM Weekend Services

GTSM offers an in-person service on Sundays at 9 & 11 AM in West Lawn.

GTSM also has an online service that is posted on Sundays at 9 AM on GT’s YouTube page. You can also check out past services on the GT Student Ministries playlist.

GTSM Small Groups

Grade- and gender-based groups are designed to help students connect with other students, provide a positive adult voice in a student’s life, and grow together in their faith.


For more information, please contact us.

Upcoming GTSM Events